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Guidline Setup your shop on SMART SALON

This guideline will help you setup your first very own shop on Smart Salon system.

I. Register new shop

1. Access to this link

2. Fill required information to register new shop and account

3. After registered your shop successfully. Click on “Go to my salon” and input your shop ID to access system through Web browser or you can download the window application version to use on POS device

II. Install window application version on POS / Computer

1. Access to this link and click on “Download” button

2. Click on “Download Anyway” button to start download application folder from google drive

3. After download finished, open folder that contain downloaded file

4. Extract file

5. Open file folder

6. Find and Run application in folder

7. Input your shop ID have been created when you registered your shop

8. Input your admin account to access system

9. Access into your shop on system successfully

III. General Setting

1. Branch Setting

To access this screen, please choose Menu > Setting > Branch Setting

1.1 Branch general information

1.2 Setup shop tax rate

1.3 Setup shop working time

2. Printer Setting

To access this screen, please choose Menu > Setting > Printer Setting

2.1 If your shop use LAN connected Thermal Printer

2.2 If your shop use USB Thermal Printer

3. Setup Service

To access this screen, please choose Menu > Services

3.1 Setup category

3.2 Setup Service

4. Setup Staff

To access this screen, please choose Menu > Staff > Staff List